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EFT Tapping

EFT Tapping, or Emotional Freedom Techniques, is a therapeutic approach that combines elements of cognitive therapy and acupressure. It involves tapping on specific meridian points on the body while focusing on negative emotions or distressing thoughts. This technique can help alleviate issues such as anxiety, stress, and trauma; reduce emotional and physical pain; promote relaxation; and enhance overall well-being.


EFT Tapping is often described as a universal healing aid, meaning that it can be used to address all kinds of physical, emotional, and performance issues.


EFT (which stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques) is highly effective in addressing problems like trauma, anxiety, phobias, and depression.


It's also great for shifting uncomfortable emotions like anger, sadness, grief, shame, etc. and it has been shown to be effective in dealing with every aspect of the stress response.







However, it is also a very powerful system for getting rid of limiting beliefs and other blocks to success. 


And the exciting thing is that when we let go of the things that are blocking us, we're on our way to a life without limits!


EFT works on the principle that no matter what kind of problem we are up against, some (or all) of the solution involves dealing with unresolved emotional stuff.


This means that physical issues can also be relieved with tapping because we can address the underlying emotions.


EFT is actually a blend of modern cognitive therapies and ancient somatic techniques, and maybe â€‹the easiest way to sum it up is to say that it is like acupressure for the emotions.


One of the amazing things about EFT is that you can use it by yourself as a self help tool (for simple problems or general self care) or you can work with an experienced therapist (for complex issues).


An EFT session involves doing two things simultaneously:


  • Applying Tapping - stimulating acupuncture points on the face and body by tapping, holding or massaging them​.


  • Using the Techniques - if you're working by yourself, there's one basic technique - simply stay focused on the problem.  If you're working with a therapist, they will use 5 core techniques and some additional tools to alleviate the issue.


If EFT seems like a strange therapy,  you may be wondering if it actually works, or if there's any scientific evidence to back up the claims that are made about it.  You can find out more here.


And if you'd like to book an EFT session, please contact me.


Does EFT actually work? Yes, EFT does actually work!  I dismissed it at first. I now know better! 😉 ​

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