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Hi, I'm Helen

If you just want the basics, here's what you need to know.


I guess the most relevant thing is that I am a long-established EFT Master Practitioner and a permanent student of the Enneagram.


I have now spent almost three decades teaching mental and emotional wellbeing but, prior to that, my background was predominantly in learning and development where I ultimately ended up working as a senior IT trainer in the corporate sector.


Since then, I have studied many different routes to emotional health and, over time, I have become qualified in various psychological methods and spiritual practices. â€‹


I am also: 

  • a Senior Accredited Member of the National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists (NCIP)

  • a freelance instructor for Scottish Mental Health First Aid (SMHFA)

  • a registered teacher with the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS)

  • an EFT Training Consultant/Master Trainer of Trainers

  • a HeartMath Trainer

  • a Reiki Master â€‹


If you want a deeper insight, I'll be adding more information soon..........

My Story

A few years ago, I was living my ideal working life!


Having used EFT to overcome significant childhood and adult trauma, I had pursued my dreams and become an internationally-recognised EFT trainer.  I had also discovered the Enneagram and had become increasingly passionate about sharing it. 


I was regularly writing and publishing my thoughts about my favourite subjects. I was speaking at conferences, guesting on podcasts, and delivering training worldwide.  It felt like life couldn’t get any better!


But, behind the scenes, things were going progressively downhill.  Pressures and expectations in my personal life had become overwhelming, and I found myself compromising who I really was at every turn.


Pressures and expectations - that's a nice way of putting it, isn't it?


The truth is that I was dealing with two narcissists - one was covert, and the other had full-blown Narcissistic Personality Disorder - and they were draining the life out of me.


Having worked so hard to overcome extensive trauma from my past, here I was again, experiencing significant emotional distress on an almost daily basis, and living in fearful anticipation of what might happen next.


The knock-on effect was that I was finding it increasingly difficult to 'put myself out there', to be seen on the world stage.  I stopped promoting my business and withdrew into anonymity.


What had been a vibrant, colourful working life began to fade, leaving me to navigate a world where, without fully realising it, I was becoming increasingly disconnected from my true self.

But, I had EFT and the Enneagram and, if they had taught me anything, it was that:


  1. it is possible to recover from trauma, and

  2. we have a wealth of resources deep inside us just waiting to be discovered.


I had never lost sight of that fundamental knowledge, but I had allowed myself to get seriously distracted from it.


It was time to ditch the narcissists. 


It was only when I no longer had them in my life that I realised that the experience had robbed me of all sense of identity.  I literally had no idea who I was anymore.


When I had been on my route to recovery from childhood trauma, I had learned supportive strategies, most notably EFT and the Enneagram.


Thank goodness I had them in my toolkit as I undertook this new growth challenge!  They supplied the energy that held and sustained me on the often difficult journey back to a sense of self. 


The depth of this journey, however, unveiled something I hadn't anticipated - a profound and mystical interplay between these two modalities. 


This revelation led me to realise that my current life purpose is to focus on teaching Tapping Into The Enneagram.


This approach isn't conventional.  If you're looking for convention, you've come to the wrong place.


But if you feel called to move beyond mere change and to embrace true transformation, we have a lot to talk about.


It is my belief that, together, we can inspire each other to reach new heights, and be amazed by what we can achieve.


Thank you for visiting.  I hope we have a chance to meet, and work together, very soon.

Helen x

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